High blood pressure can result in a range of life-threatening diseases. However, it can also be better managed through exercise and diet.
The Race Equality Foundation has received funding from Burdett Trust, to deliver a new innovative project. This project builds on our previous community blood pressure programme for Black African and Caribbean men, and an online risk management programme for high blood pressure.
Together with Smart Health Solutions, Younger Lives and Blood Pressure UK we are working to address high blood pressure amongst African and Caribbean people using a shared decision-making tool. We will develop and pilot a nurse-led motivational change model for the management of high blood pressure that reaches and impacts people at greater risk of high blood pressure.
Initially, this project will be delivered through GP practices in the South East London Integrated Care System.
The project will specifically target Black Caribbean and Black African communities living in Bromley, Bexley and Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark and run until 31 August 2023.
Contact Tracey Bignall, Senior Policy and Practice Officer for further information about this project. Email: tracey@racefound.org.uk