NBTA brings together a range of organisations and individuals dedicated to improving the life chances for black and minority ethnic people who need organ, bone marrow, stem cell, and blood transplants.
Hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide live with blood cancers, like leukaemia, myeloma, hodgkin lymphoma, and non-hodgkin lymphoma. Every 20 minutes someone in the UK finds out they have a blood cancer. Around 2,000 people in the UK need a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant every year. This is usually their last chance of survival. In the UK, 80% of African/Caribbean individuals battling leukaemia will not find an unrelated matched donor to save their life. For Caucasian patients, the situation is the complete opposite; Caucasian patients have a 90% chance to find the best possible match from an unrelated donor.
Similarly, black and minority ethnic people will wait longer for a compatible organ transplant and are more at risk of needing such a transplant in the first place. NBTA aim to promote effective and efficient partnership working between members, encouraging a coordination of initiatives that make the most of skills, experience and infrastructure already available.
Members of NBTA currently include:
- Anthony Nolan
- Belfast City Hospital
- Chair of Independent Advisory Group, Avon and Somerset Police
- Department of Health
- Diabetes Experts Health and Healing
- Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust
- Kidney Research UK
- Kings College
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
- Race Equality Foundation
- Raffa International
- Seventh Day Adventist
- Sickle Cell Society
- South Asian Health Action
- South Asian Health Foundation
- Team Margot
- Think Kidney/ Renal Support Patient Forum
- University of Bedfordshire
- University of Hertfordshire
- Vanik Council