Improving Uptake of Annual Health Checks for People with a Learning Disability from Black, Asian, and Minoritised Ethnic backgrounds
This project builds on our ongoing efforts to address health inequalities, focusing on increasing the uptake of annual health checks for people with a learning disability from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds. Our previous research has uncovered challenges in accessing annual health checks and a lack of targeted information on annual health checks. This project plans to co-produce promotional materials to address the specific health inequalities and disparities in access to annual health checks (AHCs) that are experienced by people with a learning disability from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic backgrounds.
What do we want to achieve?
We would like to develop relevant communication and promotional materials, including leaflets and videos, that explain what an annual health check is, why it is important, and what happens during an annual health check. By doing so, we hope to raise awareness and uptake of annual health checks for people with a learning disability from Black, Asian, and minoritised ethnic backgrounds, their friends, family, carers and wider support network.
What would your involvement look like?
As a member of the co-production working group, you can join this project and share your insights and experiences on annual health checks. This would involve taking part in three co-production group meetings to:
- Contribute to the design and development of communication and promotional materials. These will include leaflets and videos.
- Draw on your lived experiences to inform the content of these resources and ensure cultural appropriateness.
- Provide feedback and recommendations to help ensure that the information is meaningful for people with a learning disability from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities.
These meetings will take place on Zoom on:
- Meeting 1: Monday 12th February, 2-4pm
- Meeting 2: Thursday 22nd February, 3-5pm
- Meeting 3: Monday 18th March, 10am-12pm (provisional date)
Some of you will also have the opportunity to take part in a series of short films. This will involve:
- Talking about your understanding and experiences of annual health checks.
- Travelling to London on Monday 4th March or to Leeds on Wednesday 6th March to take part in filming.
Why is your involvement important?
Your involvement is instrumental in ensuring that the materials are culturally relevant, accessible, and impactful. These promotional materials will be shared with our project partners and relevant organisations to improve the uptake of annual health checks for people with a learning disability from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.
What compensation is provided?
To support your participation in this project, each participant will receive a £75 thank you payment per co-production group meeting attended, and a £200 thank you payment for taking part in a short video.
Who to contact for more information?
You can contact Jahan by email at: jahan@racefound.org.uk to learn more about this project.
For this information sheet in Easy Read, view the leaflet here.