We speak up against racial inequality across the UK.
Find all the latest major announcements, breaking news, press releases and commentary from the Race Equality Foundation on issues relating to inequalities in health and social care, housing and other public services.
For more information about any press release, email comms@racefound.org.uk or call the Communications team on 07593 454182.
Press releases
Race Equality Foundation: A response to the Children’s Commissioner Children’s Involvement in the 2024 Riots report
The Children's Commissioner published a new report titled Children's Involvement in the 2024 Riots. The Race Equality Foundation's CEO, Jabeer Butt OBE along with leaders across the race equality space have written a letter the Children's Commissioner, [...]
Jabeer Butt OBE Appointed to Net Zero Council to Represent Voluntary Sector and Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic Communities
Jabeer Butt, Chief Executive of the Race Equality Foundation, has been appointed to the Net Zero Council by Ed Miliband, the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy Security and Net [...]
The racist riots and the NHS: What next?
Leading race equality in healthcare researcher argues the racist riots should have been a wake up call for the NHS, putting forward recommendations on what needs to be done 2nd December 2024 [...]
Race Equality Foundation, Health Innovation Network South London, and Partners Launch Groundbreaking Initiative to Address Racial Health Inequalities
2nd December – The London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health (LARCH) initiative, funded by the London Health and Care Partnership, is championing racial equity across the NHS and the broader health and care [...]
Research centre seeks to reduce health inequalities
A new £9m research centre focused on tackling and reducing health inequalities in the UK has been announced today. The ESRC Centre for Lifecourse Health Equity (Equalise) is led from University College [...]
Race Equality Foundation and Partners Launch Sector-Wide Project ‘Responding to the Racist Riots’.
Leading race equality organisations including The Race Equality Foundation, Muslim Charities Network, the Alliance for Racial Justice, and NAVCA are launching a sector-wide project to confront the root causes of the recent [...]
New report “Where do I belong? Where is home?” Experiences of racism and homelessness.
A new report from Crisis, shaped by a panel of Experts by Experience, uncovers the human stories behind the statistics that draw a direct link between race and homelessness. These real-life accounts [...]
Statement on Autumn Budget speculation
Will the Budget announced today by Rachel Reeves be one that tackles racial inequality? The past 14 years has seen inequality on the rise with a disproportionate impact on Black, Asian, and [...]
Comment on the Care Quality Commission’s State of Care 2023/2024 report
The Care Quality Commission’s The State of Health Care and Adult Social Care in England 2023/2024 report highlights significant issues across the healthcare system, noting that many people are not receiving the [...]
SFSC: Safer Lives Parenting Programme with Youth Endowment Fund
The SFSC:Safer Lives project, funded by the Youth Endowment Fund, saw the delivery of the Race Equality Foundation’s evidence based Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) programme to parents of young people involved [...]
How Better Ethnicity Data Can Tackle Racial Health Inequalities in the NHS: London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health
Modern medical practice is built on the foundation of using measurements and data to inform clinical decision making. From basic tests of blood pressure or heart rate through to more recent innovations [...]
New Report Calls for Improved Ethnicity Data Collection in Social Prescribing to Address Health Inequalities in Black, Asian, and Minoritised Ethnic Communities
The Race Equality Foundation, supported by the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, has released a new report, Social Prescribing, Health Inequalities and Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic Communities, calling for more [...]
New report: Physical Health Checks for People with a Severe Mental Illness
Between 2021 and 2024, the Race Equality Foundation conducted a series of projects to understand in greater detail whether Black African and Caribbean people with severe mental illness (SMI) were aware [...]
New report: Tackling inequalities faced by minority groups in mental health through the Personalised Care Programme
8 October 2024 - People from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities facing mental illness or distress encounter barriers in accessing personalised mental health care, including Personal Health Budgets (PHBs), essential [...]
Institute of Health Equity Launches New Report on How Structural Racism Impacts the Health and Wellbeing of Ethnic Minority Groups
A ground-breaking new Institute of Health Equity (IHE) review concludes that structural racism affects the health and wellbeing of ethnic minority group communities in London and leads to avoidable and unfair inequalities [...]
Invitation to Participate in a Photography Project Promoting Ethnic Minority Representation in Stock Images
Do you feel that photos often fail to tell the full story, especially when it comes to representing Black, Asian, and other minoritised groups? Too often, stock photos neglect to capture true, [...]
Understanding Myeloma and Its Impact on Black Communities: Race Equality Foundation and Myeloma UK
Myeloma, a type of blood cancer originating from plasma cells, presents a significant health challenge, especially in Black communities. It ranks as the 19th most common cancer globally, accounting for 2% of [...]
New research: Barriers to partnership working within dementia services for people from south Asian communities
"You just can’t do that in dementia care": Barriers to partnership working within dementia services for people from south Asian communities Compared to the White British population, South Asian communities are more [...]
Comment on CQC’s Report: National review of maternity services in England 2022 to 2024
Today the Care Quality Commission (CQC) released their report on a national review of maternity services in England 2022 to 2024. A programme of inspections by the CQC has found continued concerns [...]
Statement on Lord Darzi NHS Report
We welcome that some attention has been paid to poorer experiences and outcomes for people of Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic backgrounds by the Darzi review. However, simply calling for the reasons [...]
The Equality Act is not fit for purpose’ say leading race equality organisations
In a brand-new report launched on 2nd September, The Alliance for Racial Justice, a coalition of leading race equality organisations, have called for equality laws to undergo major updates to tackle [...]
The Race Equality Foundation Withdraws from X Over Amplification of Hate Speech
The Race Equality Foundation, a Black-led national charity dedicated to combating racial inequality in public services, has made the decision to leave ‘X’. This decision comes in response to the platform's role [...]
Statement on future action following race riots
We are greatly heartened by the large turnout of anti-racist counter-protesters on the evening of Wednesday 7th August following the threats of racist rioters targeting individuals and communities, including migrants and those [...]
Race Equality Foundation and 80+ Anti-Racist Groups Urge Prime Minister to Address Recent Riots
August 5th 2024 Dear Prime Minister, The unprecedented levels of racist rioting across the UK over the last few days is utterly deplorable. It is devastating that the tragic crime committed in [...]
Statement on anti-Muslim and anti-migrant violence
The Foundation condemns the racist violence that we have seen on several cities over the past week. It is beyond obscene that the murder of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice [...]