Published On: 22 February 2023Tags: ,

We are pleased to have worked with Spark Inside, as part of the Being Well Being Equal Alliance alongside Wipers CIC, Centre for Mental Health, Clinks, and Zahid Mubarek Trust, to help produce the Being Well Being Equal Report, which focuses on prioritising the wellbeing of young men, and particularly, young Black men, in the criminal justice system.

The Being Well Being Equal Report focuses on the wellbeing of young men in custody aged 18 to 25, and in particular highlights the experiences of young Black men who are significantly overrepresented in the prison system. It presents a consolidation of the research, policy and practice concerned with the wellbeing of young men in custody, as well as insight from expert organisations and, most importantly, young men themselves.

It is hoped, that by bringing together the evidence, this report will enable practitioners, policy makers and commissioners to have a more informed understanding of how to promote Being Well and Being Equal amongst young men in custody.