Published On: 7 June 2023Tags: , , , ,

The Race Equality Foundation is proud to be part of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition. Today sees the launch of our Behaviour and Mental Health in Schools report, which is based on a year-long inquiry conducted by the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition into mental health and behaviour in schools.

The inquiry aimed to explore the links between behaviour and mental health, to look at the impact of school behavioural policies on children and young people, and to understand what can be done to improve the approach to behaviour and mental health in schools. The inquiry asked young people, parents, carers and professionals their views on current approaches to behaviour management and mental health in schools and how they can be improved, via an online survey and evidence sessions.

The report finds that whilst it is important for schools to have clear expectations and boundaries in place, punitive approaches to behaviour management are harming children and young people’s mental health. The report calls for a wholescale culture shift in how behaviour is viewed and responded to in schools. This should be accompanied by developing supportive and inclusive school environments. But schools cannot do this alone.  In our recommendations, we set out the actions that the national government, local systems, and schools can take to create the change that is needed to build effective systems of support around children, young people and their families.

Read more about our findings: