Further support

New parents

Just one Norfolk: NHS website: Online course including excellent tools to help new parents understand and cope with the stresses of a newborn and how this might affect their relationship.Pathway to Parenting’. justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/our-services/pathway-to-parenting-p2p

Baby Buddy App: Free app from charity Best Beginnings. Support from ‘bump to baby’. Dads’ app being considered.https://www.bestbeginnings.org.uk/baby-buddy

All parents

OnePlusOne: Free digital relationship resource. Relationship and parenting advice and support, includes ‘The Listening Room’ anonymous private chat room where you can talk to a ‘Click Listener’. click.clickrelationships.org/home/all-issues

Other resources are available (freely or under licence) on the OnePlusOne website.

Tavistock Relationships: London based offering support and counselling: www.tavistockrelationships.org/relationship-help/help-with-parenting-family-life

Digital parenting app, ‘Between Us’ a relationship support app designed to help couples/parents have a better relationship through helping them to reflect together, and more constructively, on their difficulties: http://betweenus-app.com/

Association of Mental Health Providers mental health support tool to find local organisations: https://amhp.org.uk/resources/support-services/

Separated co-parents

Dads Unlimited: Offers practical and emotional support and co-parenting workshops. support.dadsunltd.org.uk/portal/en-gb/kb/articles/co-parenting-success-workshops

Communication apps: Shared calendars for shared care arrangements:
Our family Wizard: Communication apps. Shared calendars for shared care arrangements:includes a tool called ‘tonemeter’ which helps keep communication positive and productive. Priced per parent per year currently below £100. www.ourfamilywizard.co.uk/ 2Houses: Shared resources for co-parents. Priced per year per family currently below £100. https://www.2houses.com/en

Cafcass: Children and family court advisory and support service. cafcass.clickrelationships.org/what-we-offer. For parents who are living apart, ncludes a link for parents to prepare a parenting plan: portal.cafcass.clickrelationships.org/content/all-issues/Parenting-plan

FJYPB, Family Justice Young People’s Board: This is a group of 50 young people aged 7 to 25 from England and Wales who either have personal experience of the Family Justice system or an interest in children’s rights. Very useful ’Top Tips’ for parents and professionals. cafcass.gov.uk/family-justice-young-peoples-board

National Family Mediation:Meditation. nfm.org.uk

Family Mediation Council: meditation. Legal Aid may be available. www.familymediationcouncil.org.uk

Relate: Help in understanding the effects on children of harmful conflict between co-parents, including tips and further counselling support. relate.org.uk/relationship-help/help-family-life-and-parenting/parenting-together/parental-arguments-understanding-effects-your-children

The Mix: Charity supporting under 25s. themix.org.uk. Includes an app to support relationships:
clickrelationships.org/the-mix. Support for young dads: themix.org.uk/sex-and-relationships/pregnancy-and-parenthood/young-dads-caring-for-your-mental-health-31039.html

Young Minds: Mental health charity for children. Helplines for children and parents:

Tavistock Relationships: London based offering support for separated parents: https://tavistockrelationships.org/about-tccr/40-special

LGBTQi parents

Pink Therapy: Directory of therapists working with gender, sexuality and relationship diversities: pinktherapy.com/en-us/findatherapist.aspx

New Family Social: Support for LGBTQi adoptive and foster families: newfamilysocial.org.uk

Stonewall: Guides on co-parenting legal issues: stonewall.org.uk/help-advice/parenting-rights/%E2%80%8Bco-parenting-0

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic parents

The Race Equality Foundation: Inclusive parenting support through their evidence based accredited parenting programme, ‘Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities’: raceequalityfoundation.org.uk/sfsc

Travellers, Gypsy and Roma communities

The Traveller Movement: travellermovement.org.uk

One Voice 4 Travellers: onevoice4travellers.co.uk


Future Men: futuremen.org