Better Housing brief 19
Published On: 18 February 2012Tags:

The briefing examines the use of specialist housing services to support black and minority ethnic communities, providing good practice examples for people experiencing poor mental health, homelessness, domestic violence, teen parenthood and older age respectively.  The paper also looks at the effectiveness of the ‘Supporting People’ programme, considering the likely impact of funding cuts on black and minority ethnic tenants.

Key messages:

  • ‘Supported housing’ lacks a universally agreed definition
  • The Supporting People funding has helped to address supported accommodation needs
  • People from minority groups may be more likely to require supported housing services, but also more likely to experience difficulties in service access and use
  • While good practice can be identified in meeting the supported housing needs of culturally and ethnically diverse communities, meeting the needs of these groups within general provision remains an issue that must be addressed
  • The current financial pressures faced by local authorities will potentially have a very great effect on the provision of supported housing for the most vulnerable people.


  • Defining supported housing
  • Supporting People
  • What is different about the supported housing needs of black and minority ethnic communities?
  • Good practice
  • Current challenges in providing supported housing

Author(s): Adrian Jones; Tracey Bignall
Briefing series: Better Health Briefing Paper 19
Publisher: Race Equality Foundation
Publication date: February 2012