Published On: 26 July 2007Tags:

Health inequalities may vary both between ethnic groups and within ethnic groups. This paper considers how health inequalities may reflect inequalities in the distribution of health determinants, such as access to good housing, transport, education and employment opportunities, and considers methods of reducing health inequalities through NHS reform.

Key messages:

  • Health inequalities exist in the UK: both between and within minority ethnic groups
  • Health inequalities vary by social class between ethnic groups and within ethnic groups
  • Health inequalities reflect inequalities in the distribution of health determinants, such as access to good housing, transport, education and employment opportunities
  • Reducing health inequalities is possible utilising the ingredients of National Health Service system reform


  • Evidence of inequalities in health
  • Ethnicity and social class
  • Tackling health inequalities
  • Utilising the ingredients of NHS system reform

Author(s): Gurch Randhawa
Briefing series: Better Health Briefing Paper 6
Publisher: Race Equality Foundation
Publication date:  July 2007