Published On: 25 April 2009Tags:

This paper is about the HIV epidemic in the context of black Africans in England. It gives an overview of the current epidemiological status, HIV support and prevention needs and recommendations for policy and practice. It focuses on black African communities because they are disproportionately affected by HIV compared to other minority ethnic groups.

Key messages:

  • Black African communities in England experience the highest reported and undiagnosed heterosexually acquired HIV prevalence
  • The majority of black Africans in England are tested for HIV very late; most cases, particularly in men, have a high viral load (i.e. a high level of HIV virus in their body) and are thus unable to benefit fully from available treatment and care
  • There are more same-sex relationships than reported among black Africans in England
  • The sexual health of the black African communities is dependent on diverse socioeconomic factors
  • There are many unmet sexual health and social needs among black African communities in England, making them vulnerable to HIV


  • HIV prevalence among black Africans in England
  • Late diagnosis
  • Sexual orientation
  • Sexual health outcomes: the impact of socioeconomic factors
  • Responses and unmet needs: implications for policy and practice

Author(s): John Owuor;
Briefing series: Better Health Briefing Paper 13
Publisher: Race Equality Foundation
Publication date:  April 2009