A national resource of written and audio translated materials of the guidance on coronavirus and other information to support those with dementia, their families and carers.
The materials have been translated into the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Kurdish, Punjabi, Portuguese, Polish and Somali. Links are included below to translations in more languages on other organisations’ websites.
English Materials
General Government guidance (most regularly updated)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends
Looking after friends or family when they leave hospital
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia and Dementia advice leaflet for carers
Covid booster vaccine guidance (Doctors of the World). This link includes translations in Ukranian, Twi, Yiddish, Urdu, Turkish, Spanish, Somali, Russian, Romany, Romanian, Punjabi, Portuguese, Pashto, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Hindi, Gujarati, Greek, Filipino, Farsi, Estonian, Chinese, Bulgarian, Bengali, Arabic and Albanian.
Easy read English poster on the Omicron variant (Keep Safe)
Easy read English materials on Covid-19 vaccines and booster, as well as the rules and restrictions (Learning Disability England)
Arabic Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Arabic شرح المصطلحات المتعلقة بفیروس كورونا (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Arabic ةلئاعلل ةیناجم ةیاعر نومدقي نیذلا صاخشلأل انوروك سوریفب نیباصملا عم لماعتلا تاداشرإ ءاقدصلأاو (audio version)
Looking after friends or family when they leave hospital Arabic (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Arabic
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Arabic and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Arabic
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Arabic)
Bengali Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Bengali করেনাভাইরােসর সােথ সিকত শাবলীর বাখা (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Bengali পিরিবা ও ববাবেিদ রবনা পয়সায় সসবা ানিকাী বযিরেিদ জনয
কিদানাভািইাস সংা রনেদশনা (audio version)
Looking after friends or family when they leave hospital Bengali (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Bengali
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Bengali and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Bengali
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Bengali)
Chinese Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Chinese 与冠状病毒相关的术语解释 (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Chinese 专为向家人和朋友提供无偿护理的人士设计的冠状病毒指南 (audio version)
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital Chinese (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Chinese
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Chinese and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Chinese
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Chinese)
Gujarati Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Gujarati કોરોનાવાઈરસનેલાુપડતા પારભાિષક શદોનો લાસો (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Gujarati લોકો પગાર ક વતન વગરની કર કટબ અન િમોન પર પાડતા હોય તવા લોકો િ◌ાટ કોરોનાવાઈરસન િ◌ાગદન
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital Gujarati (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Gujarati
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Gujarati and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Gujarati
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Gujarati)
Kurdish Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Kurdish ڕوونکردنەوەی زاراوەکانی تایبەت بە ڤایرۆسی کۆرۆنا (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Kurdish و مزخ و نازێخ ۆب رەبمارەب ێب یتشرەپرەس ەک یەناسەک وەئ ۆب انۆرۆک ییسۆریاڤ ینێونێڕ نەکەد مەهارەف نایێڕواه و راکوسەک (audio version)
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital Kurdish (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Kurdish
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Kurdish and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Kurdish
Punjabi Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Punjabi ਕੋਰੋਨਾਵਾਇਰਸ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਬਦ ਦੀ ਿਵਆਿਖਆ (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Punjabi ਪਿਰਵਾਰ ਅਤੇਦੋਸਤ ਨੰ ੂਬਗੈਰ ਭੁਗਤਾਨ ਤਦੇਖਭਾਲ ਮੁਹੱਈਆ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇਿਵਅਕਤੀਆਂਲਈ ਕੋਰੋਨਾਵਾਇਰਸ ਸਬੰਧੀ ਸੇਧ (audio version)
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital Punjabi (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Punjabi
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Punjabi and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Punjabi
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation Punjabi)
Portuguese Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms Portuguese Explicação da terminologia relacionada com o coronavírus (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends Portuguese Orientações sobre o coronavírus para pessoas que prestam cuidados não remunerados a família e amigos
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital Portuguese (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Portuguese
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Portuguese and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Portuguese
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Portuguese)
Polish Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia and Dementia advice leaflet for carers
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Polish)
Somali Translated Materials
Covid explanation of terms (audio version)
Coronavirus guidance for people who provide unpaid care to family and friends (audio version)
Looking after friends and family when they leave hospital Somali (audio version)
Safeguarding Factsheet: Community volunteers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Staying well during coronavirus: Dementia advice leaflet for persons with dementia Somali and Dementia advice leaflet for carers Somali
Covid booster vaccine guidance (this link includes a translation in Somali)
External materials: access other resources and translations here. Covid-19 Government guidance for those leading a nomadic way of life can be found here.
Please also check the general Government guidance which is regularly updated.
All Race Equality Foundation translated information was correct at the time of writing (August 2020). This page has been updated as of December 2021.