SFSC Refresher training – London

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This 2 day workshop is intended for trained facilitators who have had a break before or between delivering the programme to parents. The refresher workshop will also help facilitators who do not feel confident about their understanding or delivery of the curriculum.



The workshop aims to:

  • revisit the evidence and concepts that inform SFSC
  • review the SFSC curriculum and the methods used to deliver it to parents
  • provide an opportunity to practice delivery.

Qualifications and experience needed

Delegates must have completed the five day SFSC training course.


Format of the day

This tried and tested workshop will include:

  • interactive exercises
  • exploration of evidence on parenting and the outcomes for children
  • modelling of effective practice in programme delivery
  • signposting to other support and resources
  • opportunities for individuals to practice and reflect on how they can implement best practice.



Participants will receive a copy of the latest edition of the SFSC facilitator manual with USB memory stick, worth £100 if they do not already have a current copy.


Outcomes of the training

By the end of the 2 day workshop participants will:

  • demonstrate improved understanding of how parents can improve the outcomes for their children
  • understand how to deliver SFSC to all parents
  • demonstrate how they can deliver SFSC using best practice
  • demonstrate how to create and maintain a safe and supportive environment for learning to take place
  • understand the importance of maintaining the fidelity of the SFSC programme


Additional benefits

Benefits of the day include:

  • better able to meet the requirements of the National Occupational Standards for Working with Parents
  • better respond to the changing environment for early years education as a result of the Nutbrown review (2012) Foundations for Quality
  • learning for continuous professional development; and
  • opportunity to meet others, often from different agencies but with shared interests.

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